Corrie Legge Coaching


Your guide is on it’s way to your inbox as we speak! But before you go, let’s take this one step further…

Ready to approach every day with confidence and clarity?

With My Acting Life: A Daily Planner - you’ll know exactly what steps to take every day to move towards your dreams.

This is the first planner made specifically for the unpredictable, constantly changing schedule of an actor. With My Acting Life you’ll learn how to prioritize your goals, so you can start living the creative life of your dreams without waiting for permission. It’s time to stop dreaming and start creating.

What they’re saying…

Limited time special offer

just for you!

After you’ve purchased your copy of My Acting Life: A Daily Planner, email me a picture of your review on Amazon, and I’ll give you a free 30min coaching session! That’s a $150 value!

Stop dreaming.

Start creating.

So what are you waiting for? Snag the planner and then go check your email to grab all your free goodies too!

(No email? Be sure to check your spam folder, sometimes emails like to hide in there!)